Professional Licenses: Admitted to the Bar: New York, 1979; U.S. District Courts, Eastern and Southern Districts of New York, 1979; U.S. Supreme Court, 2006
Professional Associations:
National Academy of Arbitrators
American Arbitration Association
Alliance for Education in Dispute Resolution
Mediation One
U.S. Department of Labor Mediation Program
National Mediation Board
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
NYS Human Rights Arbitration Panel
NYS Bar Association, ADR and Labor & Employment Sections
Education: Cornell University (BS, Industrial and Labor Relations-1974); Hofstra University School of Law (JD-1978)
Selected Speaking Engagements and Publications: Distinguished Speakers Forum, “Learning the Art of Mediation and Arbitration” (St. John’s Law School, 2017); “Meet the Mediators/Ask the Arbitrators” (NYSBA Dispute Resolution Section, 2013); “Arbitration in Professional Sports” (St. John’s Law School, 2013); “Arbitration In A Time of Economic Crisis” (Cornell/AAA, 2009). Publications include “Differences in Arbitrating Labor and Employment Disputes,” NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL (July 10, 1996) (adapted from presentation at AAA Employment Arbitration Training, 5/96). Frequent lecturer for the American Arbitration Association; Cornell University, ILR; and Labor Arbitration Institute. Various additional articles and speeches on contemporary employment-related issues.
Awards and Honors: 2013 – 2024 Super Lawyers-ADR; Cornell ILR Jean T. McKelvey
Neutral-in-Residence for Academic Year 2022-2023.